Saturday, December 1, 2012

Cute for her spiky hair

On my last Tuesday's Mother's group, surprisingly I discovered there were a lot of mums that dote on Baby E. Particularly because of her spiky hair. Imagine that, the one thing I worry because she looks like a boy for that reason, but people find it adorable! One of the mums that sat in a further corner of the circle even left her baby boy to pat Baby E's head. Wow that sure filled me with a bit of pride now, even though I still think her hair grows funny!

Anyway she turned 5 months last week a couple of days ago she can crawl a little bit! She kept on moving forwards by kicking her feet. Also she is actually able to lift her body with her arms and knee, but then she hasn't figured out what to do next. So she is just stuck. Poor thing ;)

Cheeky looking child ;)